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DDA Featured on
Working with Roush CleanTech, DDA Transport put six new Ford F750 straight trucks powered by propane autogas into its New Hampshire U.S. postal fleet last August.
The company recognized the importance of reducing its carbon footprint, but it needed a solution that wouldn’t burden the company with infrastructure constraints or costly maintenance.
DDA Transport Featured in LPGas Magazine
“As a supplier to the U.S. Postal Service, we are continually striving to find ways to protect the environment through sustainability efforts,” says Dwayne Andreasen, president of DDA Transport. “Our fuel consumption is our biggest environmental concern, so the ability to lower this impact through propane autogas helps us achieve our short- and long-term goals.”
DDA President Honored with Entrepreneurial Award
Millyard Bank recently honored Dwayne for his business success by awarding him the Bill Phillips / SBA Entrepreneurial Award for over 25 years of business excellence and partnering with community banks to help power his success.